Analysis of key figures

Analysis of key business figures is important for the monitoring of business operations and for decision-making. Analysis of key figures allows you to recognise your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks. EMU helps you to get started or further develop your analysis.

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Get insights from key figures

Analysis of key figures is a form of risk management. It improves the company’s decision-making ability and makes operations more efficient. Investors and other collaborative parties also require it. The story told by the key figures is critical information about the situation of the company.

Subjects of analysis in financial management include income statement profits, sales revenue, expenses and margins as well as balance sheet assets and debts. Cash flow, profitability, indebtedness and, for example, stock turnover rate are among the most critical key figures for many. In HR management, analysis can be targeted at personnel expenses, well-being, absences, retention or recruitment costs, among others.

EMU allows you to collect, maintain and get access to essential reports. We help you to analyse the story told by the figures and provide expert views on the health of your business. 

Benefits of key figure analysis
  • basis for decision-making

    basis for decision-making

  • performance and resource optimisation

    performance and resource optimisation

  • risk management, detection of problems and real-time reaction

    risk management, detection of problems and real-time reaction

  • improving profitability

    improving profitability

  • management of expenditure

    management of expenditure

  • investor trust

    investor trust

  • retention and strengthening of competitiveness

    retention and strengthening of competitiveness

Learn more about EMU’s solutions

CFO services Modern systems Tax services
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Chat with an expert
Fredrik Widenäs

+358 40 738 7209

Whether you’re just starting with the analysis of key figures or already have a long history with it, feel free to contact us! There’s no such thing as a stupid question!

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Right now is the time to grab the key figures by the horns! Take us with you. We’ll guide you and put our expertise into use for the betterment of your business operations.

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With the EMU, we have gained insight, confidence, and an understanding that we are doing the right things in monitoring the economy!

Joonas Pajunen
CEO, Fraktio