Bookkeeping services

Personalised service, care and solid expertise. That’s the EMUWAY of handling things!

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EMU bookkeeping services according to your needs

Our bookkeeping services include two fixed-priced monthly packages, SuperEMU and BasicEMU (PerusEMU). SuperEMU is our all-inclusive service that allows you to focus on your core business, whereas BasicEMU is a service package for those who want to take  care of things more independently.

Our goal is to provide you with professional bookkeeping services at a fixed price. If you have special needs not covered by the monthly packages, please tell us about them, and we can look at the situation from your unique perspective.

Once your books are in order and your finances are handled professionally, you’ll get peace of mind and won’t need to worry about a thing.

Kaisa Soininen

COO, Yogaia

Service packages
EMUJI flying books
Modern systems and operating methods
Bookkeeping and reporting
Financial statements and tax return
Ledger management
Payment of purchase, travel and expense invoices
Payment reminders and recovery

EMU’s strengths lie in continuous, small development steps in financial management. Everything simply works.

Kristo Ovaska

Founder & CEO,

EMU has always provided Happeo with the help we needed in a timely manner – the co-operation has been golden!

Perttu Ojansuu

CEO, Happeo

The best thing about EMU is the personalised service. Being able to openly talk about the pros and cons of entrepreneurship.

Irina Nurmi

CEO, Smooth it

The best things about EMU are its professional staff and the comprehensiveness of its services. With the EMU partnership, everything related to financial management is in good hands.

Family Sillanpää


Mihin kaikkeen kirjanpitopalvelut EMUlla skaalautuvat?

Yrityksen tilinpäätös Kirjanpidon viranomaisilmoitukset Kirjanpidon raportointi Skannauspalvelu Yrityksen maksuliikenne Talousprosessien kehittäminen Konsernikirjanpito Perintäpalvelut yrityksille CFO-palvelut Lakipalvelut Palkanlaskentapalvelut HR-palvelut Järjestelmät
Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 15.07.19
Chat with a professional
Fredrik Widenäs

+358 40 738 7209

Something on your mind? I’d like to help you in any way I can. I promise to offer you all of my competence but also to tell you honestly if EMU’s bookkeeping services are not, for some reason, the best solution for you.

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Bookkeeping is a statutory duty. As it must be done, it may as well be built to serve your business operations. At EMU, we can do that!

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It’s easy to get a hold of the people at EMU – they listen to you and are ready to help.

Jyrki Jalli

CEO, IdeaStructura

Olisko taloushallintoon liittyvistä artikkeleistamme sinulle apua?

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kasvukumppani EMU
Hae mukaan Kasvupolku®-ohjelmaan: Haku auki 27.1.-12.3.2025

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kasvukumppani EMU
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Hae mukaan Kasvupolku®-ohjelmaan: Haku auki 27.1.-12.3.2025
kasvukumppani EMU
Hae mukaan Kasvupolku®-ohjelmaan: Haku auki 27.1.-12.3.2025

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Hae mukaan Kasvupolku®-ohjelmaan: Haku auki 27.1.-12.3.2025
kasvukumppani EMU
Hae mukaan Kasvupolku®-ohjelmaan: Haku auki 27.1.-12.3.2025

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